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Mirror Mirror Tarology

Mirror Mirror Tarology offers illuminating, symbolism-based tarot readings to aid you in more confidently meeting the circumstances, challenges, and opportunities of your daily life. This is a collaborative and revealing process wherein The Cards and The Reader serve as mirrors to reflect back your brilliance and deep, subconscious wisdom. It is the goal of this profound, yet uplifting and fun experience to empower, encourage, and honor each individual’s intuitive and worthy true nature;

 the nature of the Higher Self.



The Cards

The Smith-Waite tarot deck was intentionally crafted to be deeply rooted in symbolism. Through a thorough exploration of that symbolism, we will allow the cards to serve as the looking glass that will take you on a beautiful psycho-spiritual journey into the wisdom of your subconscious and your Higher Self.


The Reader

My name is Bee and along with the Tarot, I am here to help reflect your beautiful brilliance back to you. It is my goal to provide an environment where you feel safe and confident enough to dig deep and explore your edges. I’m never here to advise, only to guide you to your own innate, ineffable wisdom. 


Tarology Offerings


The Here & Now

Through the portal of this 3-card spread, we will dive into your subconscious in order to help move stagnant energy, uncover mystified inner truths, and help you navigate through your life’s current conditions with more confidence.


The Onward & Upward  Spread

When the time is right for you to have a fuller, clearer picture of how your current energy is impacting and shaping your highest vision and your wildest dreams, it’s time to dig deeper with this 5-card spread. 


“This is my first Tarology session and I instantly felt comfortable with Bee. She is so knowledgeable! Her approach is very helpful and allowed me to slow down and reflect on myself and my passions. Her wisdom helped me pull my own thoughts to the surface and guide me to find the answers I needed. My outlook on this season has completely shifted and I can't thank her enough!."

Banter & Barter

Hello! Please use this form to send me any love notes, inquiries, or requests for barter.


Did you know that I am open to trades for tarology sessions? Because I absolutely am! If you would like to make a trade for something of similar or equal value to that of my session offerings, I am very interested in hearing what you have in mind! 


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Thank you! I try to respond very quickly to these messages. If I am interested in accepting your barter offer, I will email you directly :)

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